Connecticut Slip & Fall Accident Attorney

Experienced Slip and Fall Attorney in CT

Attorney Collier represents people seriously injured in slip and fall accidents. Property owners, landlords, property managers and places of business including grocery stores, shopping malls, and hotels, have a duty to their visitors and customers to maintain their property in a reasonably safe condition. Water or other liquids become a hazard in grocery stores and shopping centers and the owners have a duty to inspect the property from time to time to make sure that no hazards exist. A landlord or residential property owner has a duty to remove snow and ice from driveways, walkways and parking lots within a reasonable time after the snow fall ends.

Slip and fall accidents are often caused by owner neglect

Slip, trip and fall injuries routinely occur as a result of a property owner’s failure to inspect and eliminate the hazard. If you have slip and fell due to someone else’s negligence, you need a litigation attorney to investigate your claim. There are certain statute of limitations and statutory notification provisions for certain slip or fall claims, and it is important you contact our office as soon as possible following the accident.

Common Causes of Slip and Fall Accidents:

  1. Icy stairs or sidewalks: when stairs or sidewalks develop patches of ice and snow, people may lose their footing and fall. These are the most common cases
  2. Wet Walkways: Whether it’s spilled liquid or puddles, wet walkways can cause people to have slip or all accidents
  3. Cluttered walkways: Objects in walkways such as trash, rocks or toys can be tripping hazards for people who may not see them in their paths.

We know slip, trip and fall accidents can happen virtually anywhere a slippery substance has the opportunity to make contact with a walking surface.

Some of the more common sites include:

Can I recover if I am involved in a slip or fall incident?

Slip, trip and fall incidents can be difficult cases to resolve. There are many factors that go into whether the insurance company is willing to negotiate on slip and fall incidents. It is important that you hire an attorney immediately after you are involved in slip and fall incident to ensure evidence is properly documented and the proper parties are notified.

How much can I get from a slip, trip or fall lawsuit?

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury from a slip or fall incident, you could be facing medical bills and other expenses. The amount of compensation to expect will depend on various considerations, including the nature and extent of your injuries, lost wages, medical bills, etc. In addition to the mentioned economic damages, you can also be compensated for your pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment of life’s activities.

Speak With a Slip or Fall Injury Attorney in Milford Today

At the law firm of Edmund Q. Collier, we have extensive experience to effectively and efficiently handle Slip and Fall injury claims. Our office is conveniently located in Milford, CT to fulfill all your legal needs. Our firm has the past case results to prove our commitment to client success and the resources to handle your claim. We offer aggressive legal representation in a variety of injury claims and won’t let insurance companies bully our clients into settling for less than they deserve. Find out how much your personal injury claim could be worth today by calling us today at 203-878-7999.

Slip Fall Accident
slip and fall accidents